… and small print
This is not really intended to be “small print” or “onerous terms and conditions”! These are just details that get in the way of the straight-forward messages on other pages. These are a level of technical explanation that most clients are not interested in.
Websites are “mobile-friendly” and “responsive”: this means they adapt to the user’s screen size and look good whether viewed on mobile, desktop or tablet.
Secure website hosting includes backups, HTTPS Security (SSL Certificate i.e. a padlock appears in the browser address bar) and Recaptcha v3 to minimise spam.
Easy to maintain: websites are created using WordPress – the most common content management system / platform for websites on the Internet: “WordPress is used by more than 40.5% of the top 10 million websites as of March 2021” – Wikipedia and W3Techs.
The appearance is flexible: Using WordPress means the look and feel of your website can be changed without having to edit every page of content.
Websites are hosted on fast servers using ‘Litespeed caching’ – that means your website displays quickly, which encourages your customers to stick around, browse more and learn about your business. This also improves your search ranking: Google prefers fast websites.
High performing websites are ranked higher by Google for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Since spring 2024, Google penalises websites that are slow to load. If your search ranking has reduced recently we can investigate why, and make suggestions for improvements. Sometimes flashy graphics and unnecessary fluff slows down your site! Nobody needs a clever animation on the home page that gets in the way of finding out key information, but websites built many years ago sometimes contain annoying features like this! Maybe the pages on your existing website are too complex and take too long to display.
Email accounts include spam filtering to reduce spam arriving in your inbox. The accounts also have features to improve the deliverability of your emails (make the emails you send less likely to be viewed as spam) including SPF, DKIM and DMARC.
Maximum email account size is 2GB.
Additional services available include: setting up Google Analytics, obtaining suitable images/media.
Hosting prices include annual domain registration for standard domains such as .com .co.uk .org .uk .net. More unusual or premium domains may be additional cost (such as .tv, .world, .fun, .art, .shop and many more).
Can help you to choose and register your website domain name.
If you have an existing website or email address, then can transfer to our hosting, and can take over your website maintenance.
Prices are all inclusive (no VAT to add).
If you have any questions then please use the contact form.